
Hornady Custom .45 ACP +P 230 Grain-500Rnds




Handgun shooters looking for supreme accuracy and maximum knock-down power have come to rely on Hornady Custom pistol ammo, loaded with either the famous Hornady XTP (Extreme Terminal Performance) bullet, our FMJ or FTX bullet.
Every round of Hornady Custom ammunition is hand inspected before packaging to ensure the highest levels of quality control. At Hornady, we manufacture Custom ammunition to give shooters and hunters the advantage of hand-loaded accuracy in a factory load.
Specifications for Hornady Custom .45 ACP +P 230 Grain eXtreme Terminal Performance Centerfire Pistol Ammunition:
.45 ACP +P
Number of Rounds:
Bullet Type:
eXtreme Terminal Performance (XTP)
Bullet Weight:
230 grain
Cartridge Case Material:
Muzzle Velocity:
950 ft/s
Match, Medium Game, Target, Self Defense
Primer Location:
Sectional Density:
Muzzle Energy:
461 ft-lbs
G1 Ballistic Coefficient:
Features of Hornady Custom .45 ACP +P 230 Grain eXtreme Terminal Performance Centerfire Pistol Ammunition:
Hornady Bullets: Depending on the caliber, Hornady Custom handgun ammunition is loaded with Hornady XTP, FMJ-RN, XTP Mag, FTX, or FP (flat point)-XTP bullets.
Select Cases: Hornady produces most of the brass for Hornady Custom pistol ammo. All other brass is selected to ensure it meets our unusually high standards for reliable feeding, corrosion resistance, proper hardness, and the ability to withstand maximum chamber pressures.
Matched Powders And Primers: Powders in each cartridge are loaded to ensure optimal pressure, velocity, and consistency from lot to lot. Each primer is matched to individual loads and specifically selected for its ability to quickly, completely, and reliably ignite the powder charge.
Package Contents:
Hornady Custom .45 ACP +P 230 Grain eXtreme Terminal Performance Centerfire Pistol Ammunition


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