17 Hmr Ammo

17 Hmr Ammo For Sale

17 HMR (Hornady Magnum Rimfire) ammunition is a high-performance round designed for precision shooting, ideal for small game hunting, varmint control, and target practice. This round is renowned for its flat trajectory, delivering superior accuracy at extended ranges compared to traditional .22 LR ammunition. It is chambered in rifles designed specifically for the 17 HMR, such as the Ruger 77/17 or Savage Model 93, and is known for its excellent speed and minimal recoil. The 17 HMR features a 17-grain bullet, typically made of polymer-tipped or soft-point projectiles, allowing for rapid expansion 17 hmr Ammo upon impact, ensuring quick and humane kills on small Rifles animals.

The round’s velocity can exceed 2,500 feet per second, allowing for high energy transfer and increased effectiveness in varmint and pest control. This ammunition is also a favorite for target shooters, as its accuracy allows for tight groupings even at long distances. Whether you’re out in the field hunting, plinking at the range, or engaging in pest management, 17 HMR delivers impressive performance, making it one of the best choices for precision rimfire shooting. Its 17 hmr Ammo high velocity and relatively low cost also make it an appealing option for recreational shooting enthusiasts.


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